Make A Simple Website

After reading the Hello World guide you should have an understanding of how to have Kado serve templates to web requests. This guide will expand on that knowledge and provide example code to add rending partial views and static files to your project.

Now, it is assumed you have created a project, initiated your package.json file and installed kado into your project. Also, it is assumed you have an app.js created by completing the Hello World guide. Below, is an updated code example containing our static server and view rendering.

// require kado sources
const Application = require('kado')
const fs = require('kado/lib/FileSystem')
// make an application instance
const app = Application.getInstance()
// require package information
const pkg = require('./package')
// set some project details
// add an http server
const http = new Application.HyperText.HyperTextServer()
app.http.addEngine('http', http.createServer(app.router))
// add a view engine
const viewFolder = fs.path.join(__dirname, 'views')
app.view.addEngine('mustache', new Application.View.ViewMustache(viewFolder))
// add a static server
const staticRoot = fs.path.join(__dirname, 'public')
// add a route
app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.render('index') })
app.start().then(() => { return app.listen() })

There are a few portions of this code that require explanation let us start with what was added from the Hello World guide.

We added the StaticServer instance to handle requests for static files. This is done with the following code:

const staticRoot = fs.path.join(__dirname, 'public')

The staticRoot path determines where the CSS, image files etc are to be served from. In our example, this will be your project root and then create the folder public within the project root.

Next, we call app.use(HyperText.StaticServer.getMiddleware(staticRoot)) to place the static server as middleware to handle our incoming requests for files. When no file matches the the path, the request is passed on to other route handlers.

Now, it is time to add some CSS to make things a little more eye pleasing. To do this create a file within the public folder that you should have created and calling this new file style.css. In the new style.css file place the following code:

body { background: #f1f1f1; color: #333; }
a { color: red; }
h1 { color: purple; }

This should make a noticeable difference to the page.

Next, lets break our header and footer into partials that we can call them more than once. So, within the views folder create a file named header.html and place the following code inside:

<!doctype HTML>
<html lang="eng">
  <title>Hello World</title>
  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">

Of course, now we need a footer, so create footer.html in the same views folder and place the following code:


Great, now we have our header and footer to wrap our documents. Lets go ahead and upgrade that index.html file to reflect the new changes. The contents of the index.html file should now look like this:

<h1>Hello World</h1>

Place the code, and the file saved, change to the terminal of your project root and run the following command.

$ node app

This command should execute without error. Now, your web server is complete and serving "Hello World" HTML from localhost:3000 now with your partials rendered, and serving the new CSS.

Congratulations! Another stage complete on learning Kado. Now advance to the Build an Admin Panel guide where we explain how to turn your basic website into a fully working administration panel.