
Introduced in 4.3.0

Stability: 1 - Experimental

const PromiseMore = require('kado/lib/PromiseMore')
const promise = PromiseMore.hoist()

PromiseMore provides additional promise control patterns that expand the core JavaScript functionality.

Class: PromiseMore

static PromiseMore.hoist()

What makes PromiseMore.hoist() different from calling Promise.resolve() is hoist returns an unresolved promise that can be resolved or rejected through the promise object itself. This flattens promise creation.


'use strict'
const PromiseMore = require('./lib/PromiseMore')
const https = require('https')
const getKado = () => {
  const promise = PromiseMore.hoist()
  const request = https.request({ hostname: '', path: '/' })
  let buf = ''
  request.on('error', promise.reject)
  request.on('response', (resp) => {
    if (resp.statusCode !== 200) promise.reject(new Error('Invalid response'))
    resp.on('data', (chunk) => { buf += chunk.toString('utf-8') })
    resp.on('error', promise.reject)
    resp.on('close', () => { promise.resolve(buf) })
  return promise
const main = async () => {
  const kadoPage = await getKado()
  console.log('Got Kado Page', kadoPage)

static PromiseMore.make (context, method, arguments…)

Example using EmailJS

const Assert = require('kado/lib/Assert')
const SMTPClient = require('emailjs').SMTPClient
const client = new SMTPClient({
  // config
const message = {
  text: 'Some message',
  to: ''
  // more message options
const resp = await PromiseMore.make(client, client.send, message)
Assert.isOk(resp, 'Invalid message')

static PromiseMore.series (input, callback, output, idx)

NOTICE: The context of this method will be bound to the callback which allows for state keeping while in the loop. Pass an Object in order to have latent lookups.

Example using series with bound Context

const PromiseMore = require('./lib/PromiseMore')
async function payPartial (item, idx, ctx) { ctx.amount -= item.amount }
const ctx = { amount: 3 }
const items = [{ amount: 1 }, { amount: 2 }]
const main = async () => {
  await PromiseMore.series(items, payPartial, ctx)
  console.log(ctx.amount) // 0

This is useful when it is important members of an array are processes one after another or in a "series" to produce the proper result.

Series Full Example

'use strict'
const PromiseMore = require('./lib/PromiseMore')
const makeItem = () => { return { name: 'Apple' } }
const makePromise = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(1) }) }
const processItem = async (item, index) => {
  const result = await makePromise() // resolve some promise
  item.index = index + result // use the result
  return item
const main = async () => {
  const itemList = []
  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) itemList.push(makeItem())
  const result = await PromiseMore.series(itemList, processItem)
  console.log('Sum of Indexes', result.reduce((i, c) => {
    i.index = i.index + c.index
    return i

static PromiseMore.while (condition, promise)


const PromiseMore = require('kado/lib/PromiseMore')
let i = 15
const k = 10
const condition = () => { return i > k }
const makePromise = () => { i--; return Promise.resolve() }
const main = async () => {
  await PromiseMore.while(condition, makePromise)
  console.log(`Finished i is ${i}`)