Introduced in 4.4.0

Stability: 2 Stable

const GeoIP = require('../lib/GeoIP')

The GeoIP library provides a native NodeJS API for the GeoLite data from MaxMind, which provides the ability to look up IP addresses to find (approximate) geolocation information. Close enough for automatic timezone or locale setting, but nothing like actual GPS.

It relies on data from Maxmind, which must be obtained by the end user as the data itself is licensed. There is a "free" dataset which is both incomplete and outdated but allows this library to operate without requirement of Maxmind licensing.

Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported, however since the GeoLite IPv6 database does not currently contain any city or region information, city, region and postal code lookups are only supported for IPv4.

This library is completely synchronous, there are no callbacks or promises involved. All blocking file IO is done at startup time, so all runtime calls are executed in-memory and are fast. Startup may incur a small delay of some hundreds of milliseconds while it reads into memory and indexes data files.

This work is based on node-geoip with heavy modification, but functionally similar. It was converted to ES6 styling and provided a Class wrapper, all external dependencies were inlined or imported as other Kado libraries.

the original node-geoip may be found here

Post-installation Dataset Download (required)

The dataset required for lookups is not included in any form with the source distribution, to ease licensing differences and byte-bloat. To obtain any data you must use the updater tool to, at minimum, install the free dataset. For more accurate results you will want to obtain and use a MaxMind license key you may create an account here and then obtain a key from here, which then can be provided to the updater tool.

Simple setup can be done using npm run geoip-update which will download a preprocessed dataset containing the free version (same data as is bundled with upstream node-geoip) from the Kado website.

To install a complete and up-to-date dataset with your MaxMind license key, which uses quite a bit of RAM and a short while to convert from CSV into the internal quick-lookup binary structure, run

npm install
node geoip-update YOUR_LICENSE_KEY

to install the required submodule for the dataset conversion and then download and convert the data files (replace YOUR_LICENSE_KEY with your MaxMind key).

If you have a low-memory situation you can process the data files on a system with enough resources elsewhere, and copy the binary results (dataset) to the live server into runtime location deps/geoip. This updater will check the available MaxMind information and if it is not different from the installed dataset it will skip all processing. This library also preloads the entire dataset into memory at runtime so if you are seriously slim on RAM it may still not work with anything but the small free dataset.

Class: GeoIP

This is the main class, based on node-geoip with heavy modification, but functionally similar.

Usage Synopsis

const geoip = require('../lib/GeoIP').getInstance()

const ip = ''
const geo = geoip.lookup(ip)

console.log(JSON.stringify(geo, null, 2))


  "country": "US",
  "city": "San Antonio",
  "region": "TX",
  "timezone": "America/Chicago",
  "ll": [ 29.4969, -98.4032 ],
  "range": [ 3479298048, 3479300095 ],
  "eu": "0",
  "metro": 641,
  "area": 1000



If you have an IP address in dotted quad notation, IPv6 colon notation, or a 32-bit unsigned integer (treated as an IPv4 address), pass it to the lookup method.

var geo = geoip.lookup(ip);

If the IP address was found, the lookup method returns an object with the following structure:

   range: [ <low bound of IP block>, <high bound of IP block> ],
   country: 'XX',                 // 2 letter ISO-3166-1 country code
   region: 'RR',                  // Up to 3 alphanumeric variable length characters as ISO 3166-2 code
                                  // For US states this is the 2 letter state
                                  // For the United Kingdom this could be ENG as a country like “England
                                  // FIPS 10-4 subcountry code
   eu: '0',                       // 1 if the country is a member state of the European Union, 0 otherwise.
   timezone: 'Country/Zone',      // Timezone from IANA Time Zone Database
   city: "City Name",             // This is the full city name
   ll: [<latitude>, <longitude>], // The latitude and longitude of the city
   metro: <metro code>,           // Metro code
   area: <accuracy_radius>        // The approximate accuracy radius (km), around the latitude and longitude

The actual values for the range array depend on whether the IP is IPv4 or IPv6 and should be considered internal to geoip-lite. To get a human-readable format, pass them to geoip.pretty()

If the IP address was not found, the lookup returns null

static geoip.pretty(ip)

Given a 32-bit unsigned integer, or an item returned as part of the range array from the lookup method, the pretty method can be used to turn it into a human-readable string.

    console.log("The IP is %s", geoip.pretty(ip));

It is a convenience wrapper around Network.inetNtoA(ip) but if sent some other data type it just returns the input (not an IP: fail softly; so it can be used as a generic filter, in case of sources where the ip could be strings like "none" or "n/a" or "")

async geoip.reloadData(cb)

Reload the dataset from disk, if the data has been changed or updated behind a running instance. Callback function cb will be called upon completion of the dataset load into memory. There must be approximately double the memory because the new dataset is loaded into new variables which replace the actual dataset at the end of the process just before cb is called, so there is temporary memory bloat equal to the size of the disk dataset.

geoip.reloadData(() => {
  console.log('Reload complete')

It is left as an exercise to the implementor to detect file changes and attach this function call to that occurrence somehow, such as an event handler.


Same as reloadData except synchronously, this accepts and returns nothing, but doesn't return execution until dataset reloading is complete. Otherwise everything documented under reloadData applies.

console.log('Reload complete')
