Kado 4.2 Released

By Bryan Tong 4/15/20

Our new release of Kado has been in development for a little over one month. However, it feels like we have done years of work! This release is jam packed with essentials for creating Websites, API Servers, CLI applications and whatever else you might imagine. Chances are you can probably build it with Kado 4.2.

Here is an overview of the primary additions:

There are more! See our CHANGELOG

As our team continues to build new applications on Kado 4 we are continuously evaluating and engineering the development of Kado. This means we use Kado every day on our own projects and work diligently to improve developer efficiency. We also believe all these factors combined make Kado "fun" to develop against.

That is all for the hype, now get out there and see what Kado 4.2 can do for you!


The Kado Team