Hello World

After reading the Getting Starting guide you should have a basic understanding of how to get Kado off the ground for serving web requests. This guide will expand on that understanding and provide new example code to add a view rending engine as well as a template to your project.

Now, it is assumed you have created a project, initiated your package.json file and installed kado into your project. Next you need to create an app.js file within your project root if it doesnt already exist, and then replace the code within that file with the following:

// require kado sources
const Application = require('kado')
const fs = require('kado/lib/FileSystem')
// make an application instance
const app = Application.getInstance()
// require package information
const pkg = require('./package')
// set some project details
// add an http server
const http = new Application.HyperText.HyperTextServer()
app.http.addEngine('http', http.createServer(app.router))
// add a view engine
const viewFolder = fs.path.join(__dirname, 'views')
app.view.addEngine('mustache', new Application.View.ViewMustache(viewFolder))
// add a route
app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.render('index') })
app.start().then(() => { return app.listen() })

There are a few portions of this code that require explanation lets start with what was added from the Getting Started guide.

First, we added the FileSystem library to handle building paths and working with files and folders. This is done with the following code:

const fs = require('kado/lib/FileSystem')

Second, we added a view engine pointing to a view folder so that we can render templates and send that result as HTML to the user. The following code sets this process up.

const viewFolder = fs.path.join(__dirname, 'views')
app.view.addEngine('mustache', new Application.View.ViewMustache(viewFolder))

The first line creates a path to our view folder which is going to be project root and then a sub folder named views. The next line adds a view engine to the Kado Application library and names the engine mustache when the library is instantiated we pass the view folder path so that the render engine knows where to find our views. Finally, the third line we activate the view engine by calling into the Kado Application instance and then into the View instance where the activateEngine method is called. We pass mustache as a string to this method to declare the label of the engine that should be activated, which should match the string we provided int the addEngine call on the line above.

Now since we are using the mustache parsing system we are going to install an external library to the parsing. Execute the following command to include mustache into this project:

$ npm install mustache

Now that the view system has been activated we need to look at how the route has been modified to call into the view. Consider the following code:

app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.render('index') })

By calling res.render('index') we invoke the view system to look for a view named index.html. Then render that view with no provided parameters other than system globals which are stored in the res.locals object.

Next you need to create a view folder in your project root called views and then within that folder create a file named index.html. In the new file place the following HTML code:

<!doctype HTML>
<html lang="en">
<head><title>Hello World</title></head>
<body><h1>Hello World</h1></body>

Once that code is placed to the file and the file is saved, change to the terminal of your project root and run the following command.

$ node app

That command should execute without error. Now, your web server is complete and serving "Hello World" HTML from localhost:3000

Congratulations! You are one stage further to creating amazing web applications using Kado. To learn more see the Make a Simple Website In this guide we explore using partials and routes to create a basic website.